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April 12, 2009


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Just came across your blog from google, and was intrigued by the name. My husband is from SA (Johannesburg area) and we have friends from Durban. Also I'm from Chicago and have been to Urbana a few times since a lot of my friends went to school at UIUC. So small world! I really want to visit SA in the future. My husband is a bit reluctant though because he says the town he's from is still a bit closed minded (he's white Afrikaans and I'm Asian American) hopefully one day I'll make it out there. Well, keep up the good work both here and in Durban.

Martha Webber

Thanks for your message Rachel - sorry to respond to it only now. I hope you make it over one day - perhaps you can just avoid the negative relatives? I've tried to challenge the negative perceptions some of my family members expressed in me traveling to SA twice, but it's really hard when their beliefs about a place or group of people are so culturally engrained. Have you seen District 9 in the theatres? It's bloody, but fascinating.

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